
Webinars  Social (YouTube Thumbnail).png

The Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS), in partnership with Welsh Government, designed and co-ordinated a series of webinars for the Welsh public sector during 2023/24. The purpose of the series was to improve the sector’s knowledge and understanding of AI and discover new ways to improve public service delivery. A variety of subject matter experts were invited to deliver these webinars, including The Alan Turing Institute, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Curshaw Commercial and the Responsible Technology Adoption Unit.

Webinar series


What is AI? Equality Procurement Bias Transparency
Registered 524 178 79 219 145
Attended 294 110 39 108 71
% of registrants who attended 56% 62% 49% 49% 49%
Average attendance time 49.4 minutes 56.6 minutes 47.6 minutes 40.32 minutes 48.6 minutes

Caveat: We had 834 individuals, and some people registered for multiple sessions.

Number of registrations 1144
Registered 5 Sessions 40
Registered 4 Sessions 60
Registered 3 Sessions 177
Registered 2 Sessions 232
Registered 1 Session 635


Survey responses

AI webinar mailers (post event)