To support our vision, we have three objectives; one to support the public sector, one the wider CDPS team and one is about us as a comms team!

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All the work that we do aligns with one of our strategic priorities.

We’ve colour coded each piece of work based on the objective it will help us achieve:

Now - January to March 2024

Strategic Priority What we’ll do What success will look like
Overarching Annual Review 2023/24 By the end of January, we'll have an outline of what our annual review will contain. We'll hold a session with Seniors to capture impact and identify external stakeholders for interviews. By the end of March, we'll have the first draft written and all video content filmed.
Influence the digital agenda Session with H/M and CDOs By the end of March, we'll hold a session to discuss priorities, responsibilities, and expectations.
Develop digital agenda comms plan By the end of March, we'll have a communications plan for our 'influencing work' in place, developed in collaboration with the CDOs and our board.
Podcast exploration and pilot for leaders By the end of March, we'll have produced two podcasts and understand the production and publishing processes. The podcasts should receive positive reviews.
Dolenni Digidol launch event (Cardiff) Our first Dolenni Digidol will be delivered, targeting 20 senior leaders plus board/SLT attendance.
External speaking opportunities/sponsored events Three high-profile external speaking opportunities will be delivered by the end of March. One high-profile event (CHC Governance Conference on March 19) will be sponsored and attended in Q4.
Work with organisations to do things differently Net Zero (Charlotte) A blog post on content guidance work will be posted. A workshop on sustainable digital comms/marketing at the communicating digital community of practice will be held.
Comms plan and implementation Planning (Mike) Planning will proceed as follows: by February, a page on the CDPS website will be up; by the end of January, a Comms plan for Q4 will be agreed upon; by February, contacts on CRM of key stakeholders will be established for regular communication during the Discovery phase. A show and tell with external stakeholders will be completed in Q4.
Comms plan and implementation Taxi (Gem) TBC
Comms plan and implementation for digital maternity (Alaw) A show and tell with SRO in partnership with Liam DHCW will be held and next steps agreed upon. A service design blog post will be published by the end of January. We expect an increase in engagement across our social media promotion and blog posts, with engagement rates targeted at 2-3% on Twitter and 4-5% on LinkedIn.
Knowledge Hub comms plan and implementation (Elise) A session for staff on content types and differentiation in the hub and CDPS website will be held. A 'how to guide' and promo kit will be distributed across public sector organisations for awareness.
Comms plan and implementation Neurodiversity (Josh) TBC
COP Q4 comms plan and implementation (Mike) Membership growth will be met as expected by each community lead in OASIS plans. 75 people will be registered for the CoP in-person gathering in April by the end of Q4. The automation of onboarding and off boarding experience for every CoP will be successful by the end of March.
Comms plan and implementation Trio writing and roadshow (Catrin) TBC
Grow modern (DDaT) capability and skills in the public sector Lunch and learn winter series (what does good look like?) Lunch and learn spring series - planning Analysis of past series Success will be evident through views of case studies/blogs that accompany each L&L session, maintaining an average 50% webinar attendance rate from total registration, 100 YouTube views of every lunch and learn delivered, and an average attendance time of 25 minutes or more.
CDPS events planner 2024/25 - courses and events page TBC
Webinars AI webinar with CDEI - February AI webinar with future gens - March We aim to see an increase in LA attendance (potentially doubling current figures).
Campws a-sync courses resources and content TBC
Comms plan / eye on Digital Leaders programme as it's developed TBC
Apprenticeships comms plan. Support with show and tell. We'll capitalise on Apprentice week in February to promote the scheme.
Embed standards and guidance Service manual MVP launch TBC
Standards working group has a home on the CDPS website By the end of March, the standards working group will have a home on the CDPS website. CDOs will be signposting to it and we're aiming for 100 views.
Develop shared products and services Support design system discovery to work in the open (Charlotte lead) We'll have a webpage, show and tell, and series of blog posts/videos to tell the story of what and why.
Run a great CDPS Brochure designed and printed By the end of February, the CDPS brochure will be in print and ready to be used at Dolenni Digidol in March.
SLT fully trained on CRM By the end of February, all SLT will be confidently using CRM. A 'how to guide' will be developed and shared with the wider staff team.
Internal Comms plan for 24/25 developed By the end of March, staff will understand and use the new HR system (internal comms campaign).
EDI - develop Events and conference code of conduct policy TBC
Relaunch of playbook By the end of March, we'll have a library of 50+ photos and 20+ videos, helping staff 'build their own' presentations and social content. By the end of February, social media guidance for staff will be in use.
Event collateral design and purchase All event collateral budget will be committed and spent by the end of Q4.
Work with info architect to explore reporting tools TBC
Weeknotes - revamp following session with delivery teams By the end of March, a new format for weeknotes will be in place. We aim for a 15% increase in weeknote sign-up by the end of March.
Comms report revamp By the end of March, the Comms report will align with the MI pack.