
Uploaded two videos to our YouTube channel including the second NRW show and tell and a recap of the session from Adam Ellison.


We published the first blogpost from Natural Resources Wales about their digital strategy and the hazardous waste discovery project.

We worked with the teams at the National Library of Wales and Powys County Council to curate two blog posts - one on user centred design and the ‘my account’ portal. These case studies were identified through the digital landscape review and will be live on our blog shortly.



Knowledge sharing webinar

This has been moved to 25th January. The focus will be ‘Using data to make decisions’. We have three confirmed speakers: John Morris, Head of Data Unit, Welsh Government Suzanne Draper, Head of Insight and Engagement, Data Cymru Jeremy Griffiths, Chief Operating Officer, Test Trace Protect, Covid Vaccine Wales Link to book:

Community of practice - building bilingual service was due to run on the 20th with a speaker form the Canadian digital service. Unfortunately we’ve had to postpone until next month due now due to availability of the speaker.

We held a steering group meeting this week to plan Feb and March COPs. Some great ideas, thank to steering group members Jeremy, Heledd, Lee and Alison.

Worked with the teams at the National Library of Wales and Powys County Council to curate two blog posts - one on user centred design and the ‘my account’ portal. These case studies were identified through the digital landscape review and will be live on our blog shortly.

External meetings:

We met with leads from Gov Camp Cymru and Digi Leaders Wales to discuss plans for the coming months, including sponsorship opportunities