
This week the website team confirmed a date for our next show and tell (6 July 3pm, email [email protected] if you’d like an invite)

We also resolved autofield translation issues on our website forms and finalised preparations for our DNS (Domain Name System) transfer from public beta to the live website.

We also brought our public beta feedback to a close, ahead of our feedback playback session next week where we’ll be looking at what users think we could improve about the website.

Comms show and tell

Fe wnaethom gynnal ein sioe dangos a dweud ochr yn ochr ag Ateb ddydd Iau, arbenigwyr Cymraeg annibynnol. Maent yn ymarfer cydymffurfio â safonau’r Gymraeg, cyfathrebu dwyieithog, datblygu polisi a strategaeth ac ymgysylltu â’r gymuned.

Roedd yn sesiwn oleuedig, un a siaradodd drwy’r frwydr dros y Gymraeg, deddfwriaethau heddiw, beth yw safonau’r Gymraeg a pham fod hyn yn bwysig i CDPS.

Am awr addysgiadol a difyr! Cerddodd pawb i ffwrdd wedi dysgu rhywbeth newydd. Diolch yn fawr i Llinos a Rhys o Ateb, rydych chi wedi gadael stamp arnom ni gyd!

We held our show and tell alongside Ateb on Thursday, who are independent Welsh language specialists. They practice Welsh language standards compliance, bilingual communications, policy and strategy development and community engagement.

It was an enlightening hour, as they spoke through the fight for the Welsh language, today’s legislations, what Welsh language standards are and why this is important to CDPS.

It was an educational and entertaining session, one that everybody walked away from having learnt something new. Diolch yn fawr i Llinos a Rhys from Ateb, you’ve left your stamp on us all!

Building bilingual services

Haia pawb Elise yma.

Wythnos hon cyfarfu’r y Gymuned Ymarfer Adeiladu Gwasanaethau Dwyieithog. Ymunodd Alison Dodds, John Turnbull, Arwel Owen a Leanne Morgan o yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a ni.

This week the Building Bilingual Services Community of Practice met. We were joined by Alison Dodds, John Turnbull, Arwel Owen and Leanne Morgan from the Department for Work and Pensions. John gave a presentation on the service, explaining why they did it, considering user needs in the process, the translation process and how they continue to keep the service up to date in both English and Welsh simultaneously.

We had 28 attendees from 17 different organisations including Social Care Wales, WRA and Gov Justice.

Gallwch wylio recordiad o’r sesiwn hon ar ein sianel YouTube / you can watch a recording of the session on our YouTube channel.
