Core messaging workshop

We ran our second workshop with reps from the Chief Digital Officers teams in Health, Welsh Government, Local Government and Newid. We reviewed the outputs from the last session and discussed our 'elevator' pitches - nailing how we talk about ourselves.

We also themed our key messages about collaboration around people, public services and the digital strategy for Wales.

We have a final session in January.

Digital Apprenticeship Report

We met with Tony Venus to discuss his digital apprenticeship report and recommendations. We'll interview him in January and use this as an opportunity to talk about next steps.

Political landscape in Wales - scene setting

We organised a session for staff to give background to the political landscape in Wales. Devolution, the difference between the Welsh Government and the Welsh Parliament, an overview of scrutiny committees and the Digital Cross Party Group, a run down of the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet, an overview of the Labour/Plaid cooperation deal and finally, a look at the footprints in Wales for Local government, health etc. Phew - all in an hour!

A really useful session!

Knowledge Sharing Webinar - User centred design

We ran our last webinar of the year this week.

Speakers included Amelia Still (CDPS) and Tom Norman (Barnardo's)

We had 28 in attendance.

Meeting WG Economy team - prep for engagement with SMEs