Growing our team

This week we have been interviewing for the post of communications manager.

What a great field of candidates! Part of the interview process included a presentation outlining what their understanding of working in the open is and if successful, how they’d work with teams to achieve it.

We’ll announce the successful candidate soon!

Tech Net Zero

The campaign to recruit more user research participants has ramped up a gear. The comms team have supported the Tech Net Zero team in identifying additional avenues to explore including targeting comms at specific organisations.

The team are holding a number of events in the next 10 days to talk about the project:

Digital Leaders - Digital sustainability and tech net zero, what does it mean to you?

CDPS advisory panel

28 June, 10.30am: How can digital technology reduce carbon emissions in the Welsh public sector?

They are still looking for people to take part in their research, if you work within digital teams in Welsh public services please fill in a short questionnaire:

English questionnaire

Welsh questionnaire

The team are particularly looking to speak to those involved in the procurement of services and service leaders.

Overcoming siloed content

We had an interesting discussion this week with people from the Standards, Skills and Capabilities, and Natural Resources Wales teams about how to prevent siloed content on the websites of large, complex organisations.

Often departments produce their own content without having an awareness of what other departments are publishing, which creates confusion for users. The focus is on individual pieces of content and not user journeys. In the absence of a dedicated digital publishing team, it’s a tricky problem for organisations to overcome. We’d love to hear how you’ve tackled this.

Cyber security training: phising, smishing, vishing

This week staff took part in cyber security training which was delivered by the Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales. They covered: