Blog posts

This week we published School management information systems – what we discovered – this discovery phase revealed a wide range of end-user needs but also shines the light on the needs of other stakeholders.

Cost of living content design workshop

We helped our user-centred design colleagues plan and run sessions for a content design workshop focused on landing pages for local authority websites on cost of living support.

It was great to work with colleagues in Welsh Local Government Association, Welsh Government, Citizens Advice and local authorities to make the day a success.

If you missed it, catch up on the Twitter thread.

Our Head of UCD, Jo Goodwin, is also in the process of writing a blog post to summarise the day and next steps.

Website user research kicks off

This week, the website team have conducted 4 user research interview with more planned for next week.

We also held another workshop with Campws Digidol to understand their needs and requirements further.

We’ve completed preparations for our first show and tell next week (22 November)

If you would like to attend, please let us know via email.

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Sprint #3

Where does time go? We’re into a new sprint cycle and our sprint goal is to be tougher on what we prioritise and have real clarity on what activity we’re doing to support each project.

Most of us can now populate the sprint planner with things we are working on (such as upcoming events, internal policies and upcoming content such as our newsletter). Where we are finding real value, is time together to really drill down on the support we’re giving teams. Rarely does this support only impact one member of the team, and real clarity on what’s needed, and importantly, what’s achievable in each sprint, is proving valuable.

It means that we’re managing expectations and when we come to our retro, we’re seeing the majority of our planned activity is complete and not being carried over to the following sprint.

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Social media highlights