Favourite Hallowe’en or horror films, round 3:





Video editing training – Alaw

Josh, the wizard he is, showed me the ropes on video editing this week!

Back in July, we were both in Sbarc meeting the UCD team to film some clips. We wanted to create evergreen content for our website explaining the different UCD roles and the importance of each one of them. It’s been a rollercoaster ride in securing the correct software onto my computer, but FINALLY, it’s sorted and we’re rearing to go!

On Thursday afternoon, Josh showed me around After Effects, explaining how to cut clips, adjust the colouring and framing of a video, all whilst speaking a whole different language! He used professional terms, my favourite being ‘scrubbing’ which means moving the playback forward or backwards, a simpler word for ‘scrolling’.

We’ve got one more session next week, to explain a few more things and polish my new skills. Watch out for the UCD videos, they’ll take CDPS by absolute STORM!!

Reworking the front-of-house – Josh

As part of a wider piece of work – the CDPS ‘brochure’ – we are looking at how people are trying to find out more about us, how we work, the kinds of organisations we work with, and so on.

The website was launched with an MVP version of the About us section. Claire Gibbons and myself are looking at what comes next.

A proposed user journey refinement.

A proposed user journey refinement.

Claire is working on the content for the new and reworked pages, while I am designing the prototypes for testing, helping manage the project, and working on the necessary visuals.

We’re aiming to get this done by January ready for Board, but have some plans to do a soft launch pre-Christmas.. Here’s our rough timeline!