
This week the website team held a workshop to look at the future roadmap of the website, reviewed our backlog and to-do list and prioritised them based on user needs.

We also decided we will go live with the new website during the first week of August and close the current website as any future improvements can be made after we’ve launched.

Social media highlights

Gem here. Our social media feeds have been dominated by some excellent feedback following the artificial intelligence webinar. It was a brilliant webinar and it was great to see so many positive comments following it (see Mike’s update below).

Elsewhere, the skills team have taken the bull by the horns and have been posting about their Welsh language trainer vacancy. It’s great to see teams using their own profiles as it will often lead to a wider pool of people seeing the content:

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Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 10.56.41.png

Trio writing

Newyddion cyffrous… ry’n ni’n lansio llyfr newydd yn ystod yr Eisteddfod!!!

Mi fydd y llyfr yn ganllaw i ysgrifennu triawd, a dyna’n union rydw i ac Osian wedi bod yn gwneud dros y bythefnos diwethaf. Ry’n ni wedi cwrdd â’r holl awduron, golygu eu darnau a sicrhau bod y fersiwn Cymraeg yr un mor gryf â’r Saesneg.

Mae wedi bod yn fewnwelediad hynod ddiddorol, ac wedi f’atgoffa o bwysigrwydd a grym y broses hon. Gall newid darn o ysgrifennu yn llwyr er gwell.

Ar ôl syllu ar sgrin am oriau dros y pythefnos diwethaf, ni allaf aros i gael fy nwylo ar gopi wythnos yr Eisteddfod.

Llŷn ac Eifionydd, co ni’n dod!

Exciting news… we’re launching a book during the Eisteddfod!!!

It’ll be a guide to trio writing, which myself and Osian have been busy doing exactly that these past two weeks. We’ve had sessions with all the authors, editing their pieces together and ensuring the Welsh version can stand on it’s own two feet.