Blogposts Published blogpost on This is Milk skills and capability contract. They are supporting us by providing training and support to public sector organisations.

Blogpost on the next knowledge sharing webinar, introducing speakers and topics.

Published The National Library of Wales case study on becoming ‘user-centred’.

Social Media

Live-tweeted throughout the final Sport Wales alpha show and tell. Thread here.

Top mention this week:

The tweet to receive the most engagement this week has been:


Held a meeting with the WG Economy team to plan our engagement with SMEs who provide digital services. We’ve been invited to present at the Digital Economy Programme board on the 26th of January and are preparing for that.

Core Messaging workshop

We ran our final messaging workshop this week and will not be testing this internally within our own organisations. Thanks to Rita (WG), Marc (Newid), Deb (Health) and Jo and Sarah (WLGA) we’ve ended up with core messaging about ourselves, each other and collaboration.

External events

Peter Thomas attended the WLGA Digital Conference, see Chris Owen’s tweet above.

Gemma attended GovCampUK on Friday and found it really interesting. Mentioned CDPS when I could! 😃