Comms show and tell - what’s the story?

Haia, Mike yma!

This week we hosted our Comms show and tell. As you may have picked up on from previous weeknotes, we have been slowly transitioning to a services-led organisation over the last few months and so we thought it would be an opportune time to cover off with colleagues what that means for the Comms team. And in theory it’s pretty simple - rather than Comms sitting on the outside of projects looking in (the traditional set-up for the majority of organisations I’ve worked for previously), we are now a core member of the service delivery teams (fully embedded). Now this is very much music to our ears in Comms and hopefully to the rest of the organisation.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 10.34.00.png

And music was very much the theme of this Show and Tell with the Gallagher brothers taking centre stage! I was tasked with talking about the OASIS guide to campaign planning. Now any opportunity I get to try something different and think of creative ways to engage with our audience I’m there with bells and whistles on. However, the world of virtual working doesn’t always let it play out the way you practice or visualise in your head! Now why is that? Is it the ‘mute your microphones’ culture which really limits the audiences ability to interact and participate in the moment? Or standing in the shoes of the presenter / facilitator - is it the lack of being able to read the room and body language in a virtual arena the reason we sometimes struggle to create that engaging atmosphere? This week’s show and tell was a reminder to us all that times have moved on. If I was stuck in a lift with Noel and Liam (daunting prospect I know!) Noel would probably say ‘Don’t look back in anger’ Mike and Liam would say ‘you’ve got to Roll with it’. And they would both be both right. But I still think there is a Supersonic Masterplan for creating engaging and interactive online meetings and I will let you know when I’ve found it!

Meet our apprentices blog post

This week we published a blog post announcing our 3 new user-centred design apprentices, Ruth, Alexandra and Sarah who are all joining us on a journey to make a difference in Wales through user-centred design.

Cinio a Dysgu: Cyfres yr hydref / Lunch and Learn: Autumn series

Haia, Elise yma!

This week we have been working on the set up and promotion of our Autumn series of Lunch and Learn webinars. This is the third series we have supported in running as a Comms team. We have approached it with a clear plan for our social content surrounding the series and onboarding and offboarding communications. This time around, we have also chosen to utilise Zoom’s webinar function to improve the appearance of our recordings and to allow us to make use of the ‘Q&A’ tool. We’re looking forward to trying this out.

For this series, we have decided to work with Ebonie and James, our trainers at CDPS, to deliver sessions with a focus on Digital and Agile ways of working. We have incorporated some of the most popular topics from our training courses into a lunch and learn series.

These sessions will incorporate some of the most popular topics from the training courses provided by CDPS. The sessions have been designed to provide an introductory knowledge to get you started on your journey to working in digital and Agile ways in your organisation and are a perfect stepping stone if you are planning on attending one of our formal training courses in the future.

The Lunch and Learn sessions will cover:

  1. Beth sy’n gwneud gwasanaeth yn un ‘digidol’? / What makes a service ‘digital’? (2 Hydref / October)
  2. Dulliau dylunio Ystwyth a Rhaeadr: beth yw’r gwahaniaeth? / Agile and Waterfall: how they’re different (9 Hydref / October)
  3. Y ffordd y mae timau Ystwyth yn gweithio / How Agile teams work (23 Hydref / October)
  4. Sut i gynnal seremonïau Ystwyth / How to run Agile ceremonies (6 Tachwedd / November)

The first session of the series, ‘What makes a service ‘digital’?’ is set to kick off at 1pm Monday 2 October. You can sign up to join any of our upcoming Lunch and Learn webinars on our [website events page.](*1qjojp5*_ga*OTM4NzA3NzExLjE2OTUxOTc4MzE.)