What’s in this sprint? – Josh P

Josh here! Here’s a summary of what we’ve got planned for this sprint:


Print collateral update – Josh R

I’m currently working on print materials for events and various types of outings (user research and the like)! This is to help us call attention to ourselves, informing people about what we do and why. The first batch of materials will include branded lanyards (made from eco-friendly bamboo silk), lanyard inserts that allow you to write your name, pronouns, role, and Welsh language confidence, roller banners, and our brochure!


We’re also sorting out branded t-shirts, so please fill in your size so we can ensure everyone who needs one gets one. You don’t have to be an events regular to have one!

AI and comms – Gem

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Gem here! I started a 6 week course on Thursday on ‘Harnessing the power of AI: Revolutionise your communications with the Institute of Internal Communications.

What a webinar! I could have listened to it all day, there is SO much going on in the world of AI. The first session covered:

I don’t currently use AI within the day job but rely on it outside of work to write social media for friends and family who own their own businesses. It was interesting to see on the call that attendees (from a variety of sectors) investing in AI either by creating their own models or exploring those already on the market. At the end of the course there’s a toolkit, a list of resources and draft AI use policies which I cannot wait to get my teeth stuck into.