Digital Medicines; communications collaboration

We are working with Digital Health and Care Wales’ (DHCW) Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio team - a programme to make the prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines everywhere in Wales, easier, safer, more efficient, and more effective through digital transformation.

This week we met with Rhian Hamer (portfolio director) and Alison Watkins (strategic comms lead) to finalise a blog post about the partnership with DHCW, and a second blog post about our approach. Keep an eye on our blog next week to read more.

Inclusivity the no.1 message for Summit

We’ve been busy prepping for our participation at the Digital Summit hybrid event on Tuesday (27 September) in Cardiff, which will be exploring how NHS Wales and the voluntary sector can create greater equity of access and inclusion for the people of Wales.

Working closely with Myra, our joint CEO, we have come up with a presentation on what inclusivity means to us by shining a spotlight on the day-to-day lives of three individuals called Graeme, Seren and Dafydd. We hope this story telling approach will be thought provoking and leaves our audience with a better understanding of how to build inclusive digital services where no one is left behind. We will report back next week to let you know if we were successful!


Vision and mission

We’ve been doing a lot of work recently to solidify our vision and mission. As CDPS grows and matures we want to ensure everyone; staff, contractors, partner organisations (both current and potential), and our stakeholders are clear on what we’re here to do and our vision for the future.

We are part of a wider digital ecosystem and by having this clarity, we hope this will help people see how the pieces of the jigsaw fit together.

We’d love your feedback.

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We’ve also been working with the team to finalise our organisational values. We have agreed on 5, and each one had 3 associated behaviours.

We hope you can already see these behaviours play out in the work we’re doing.

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Social media highlights

Health: it’s not about technology

Our health team are working on a bundle of work called the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio. It was nice to see them get a mention on Twitter this week: