
With 2 bank holidays and some team members on leave, we’ve decided to do a recap over the last couple of weeks.

Comms team are recruiting!

We’re on the lookout for a Welsh translator and content creator to join our team, check out the job description and apply (closing 21 May)

What we…


Seeing colleagues outside of the comms team face-to-face


4 day weeks aren’t always a good thing

Longed for

Time to get stuff done and less meeting heavy days

Office for National Statistics webinar: bringing the Census to life

Haia, Elise yma. Ar dydd Iau cynhaliwyd y sesiwn olaf yn y gyfres gweminar CDPS a Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, ‘Dod â data Cyfrifiad 2021 yn fyw’. Ymunodd Ben Cooper a Gerald Williams o ONS â ni. Archwiliodd y sesiwn ar sut defnyddiodd y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol technoleg newydd i ddod ag ystadegau’r cyfrifiad i fyw mewn gwahanol ffyrdd ac ar lwyfannau gwahanol i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd newydd. Ymunodd 15 bobol gan 12 sefydliadau fel Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Prifysgol De Cymru.

On Thursday we held the last session in the CDPS and Office for National Statistics (ONS) webinar series, ‘Bringing Census 2021 data to life’. This session explored how ONS has used new technology to bring census statistics to life in different ways and on different platforms to reach new audiences. We were joined by 15 attendees from 12 organisations such as Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales and the University of South Wales.

Byddwn yn rhannu y recordiadau’r gyfres cyn bo hir / We will share the recordings of the series soon

Catch up on our Twitter thread.

Annual review preparations

Shwmae! Resident visual designer Josh here. Charlotte and I have been doing a lot of preparation for our upcoming annual review. I’ve recorded one of our chief executives – Myra Hunt – for the introduction, and have been preparing for another in-person recording session with Vaughan Gething (Minister for Economy).

Charlotte has been working hard on the written content, and arranging some further online recording sessions with our board and external partners so that we can make our annual review as engaging and accessible as possible.

As such, there’s a great deal of video editing going on on my side of things! It’s a lot of fun and is shaping up nicely.


Charlotte here! (product manager for the website project)

This week, the team added a call to action for users to join the 4 communities of practice we run and separated it from the courses and events page as user feedback showed users think of communities of practice as a separate service.

We also created a blog page on the website where we will list all of our blog posts, this will be in addition to the project blog posts appearing on the project pages for even more discoverability.

We then finalised actions and improvements to the website ahead of entering public beta next week – we will be looking to get users on the new website and to give us more detailed feedback ahead of launch next month.