
We met with Haia last week to see how we can work together. Welsh based Haia is an online and hybrid events platform, which will have built-in simultaneous translation allowing speakers to choose their language. They are also developing automated transcription, starting with Welsh, and are looking for organisations to help test their beta (first) version before they launch fully.

We’re going to see if we can trial it for out building bilingual services community of practice in January, and have a follow up meeting scheduled with them after Christmas.

Recruiting temporary content designer

We held 3 interviews this week to recruit a temporary content designer in the new year. The successful candidate will bring a wealth of experience to the team and will lead on areas such our communicating our business plan 2022/23 and improving our website.

Comm plan - Hazardous Waste project

We signed off our comms plan for Natural Resources Wales and CDPS project on Hazardous waste. Great to have a plan in place which the team have fed into. It includes tactics such a blog posts, video content and live social media from show and tells as well as masterclasses for the wider NRW staff team to help embed this as a new way of working.

Prep for January 2022

We have a number of new projects going live in 2022, including a Primary Care Pathfinder Discovery, commissioned by the Digital Services for Patients and Public (DSPP). This week we caught up with project leads to discuss comms for kick off.

Goodbye Sally


We ran a ‘this is your CDPS life’ session and a Christmas quiz to say goodbye to Sally. Thanks so much to Lee, Ifan, Sam and Glyn for submitting video content for this.

Team Christmas chinwag and drinks

We downed tools on Thursday afternoon and had virtual team drinks. We’re a new team, formed in September, so this was a lovely way to have a chat about our Christmas and new year traditions and to get to know each other better.