Communicating Digital Community of Practice

We ran a session linked to our communicating digital community of practice this week. We wanted to open it up to more people that those already registered with the community to raise awareness and help grow the community. To do this we ran the session on Zoom instead of Microsoft Teams.

We had over 60 people attend and the speaker was Giles Turnbull, author of the Agile Comms Handbook. He was fab.


What we have learned:

Ed has written a blog post about her takeaways from the session.

The recording can be found here:

Communicating with slides

We use slides a lot at the CDPS. We use them for external presentations but mainly for internal show and tells. Delivery teams use them in different ways with little consistency.

To help with compliance (both Welsh language and accessibility), consistency of brand and to make it an all round better experience for the audience, we ran a session with staff to provide guidance and top tips, including guidance on font, imagery, compliance and in general making them more interesting.


What we learned:

Teams valued the session and the additional support we provided. We were asked to include templates for keynote (MAC) as well as PowerPoint and Slides and have developed a pack for staff with links to copyright free imagery, guidance on how to download our font and a set of style guidelines to help us be consistent in how we say and write things.

Stakeholder mapping

As you'd expect we have A LOT of stakeholders because of the nature of what we do. As an SLT we recently ran a session to identify who our key stakeholders are.

We've looked at ways of having the greatest impact and engaging with groups and bodies to raise awareness of who we are, what we do and how people can get involved. These are groups such as regional partnership board, SOLACE (the CEOs of Local Authorities), Community Housing Cymru (the membership body for Housing Associations in Wales) to name but a few.