Social media highlights

Gem here! Compared to the excitement of London last week, this week I’ve come back down to earth. This week saw Twitter remove blue ticks from verified accounts (including CDPS), there’s a useful blog here on whether public sector organisations should pay for blue ticks. I’ve been monitoring things on Twitter since October and at the moment I’m continuing to do this. In terms of social media highlights, Glyn Jones tagged us in a discussion he had at an event he attended. We are looking to develop our Tech Net Zero workstream so this was a nice nod to that.

Jo and Yana ran a successful digital strategy development session with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. I’d love to see more of the people we work with tweet or share how we’ve helped.

Over on LinkedIn, Heledd tagged us in this post commenting on how Scotland is becoming a digital nation. Digital transformation is a BIG mountain to climb but change is happening (which is the exciting thing). We are lucky in Wales to be a small (but mighty) nation and I’m looking forward to seeing how we can make a real difference to public services.

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Communicating digital community of practice

Gem here again. We held our monthly communicating digital community of practice which was themed around in-person events. We had 3 external attendees, from National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth University and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. It was a really useful discussion around why someone would attend an in-person event and how to approach hybrid events. It would have been nice to see more friendly faces but the chat we had was great and has given us some insight into how we approach planning in-person. It would be great to hold an in-person communicating digital meeting, so watch this space!

ONS webinar

Helo, Alaw ‘ma! Cynhaliwyd ail weminar y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol ddydd Iau, yn edrych ar y broses o gasglu a phrosesu data ar gyfer y Cyfrifiad diwethaf oedd yn ddigidol, yn hytrach na phapur yn gyntaf. Ymunodd Rob Doherty a Pete Large â ni, rhan o’r tîm a gydlynodd y gwaith o gynllunio Cyfrifiad 2021.

Cawsom 18 o fynychwyr o 11 o sefydliadau gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru yn ogystal â mynychwyr o Chwaraeon Cymru, CNC, Cymwysterau Cymru, cynghorau Caerdydd a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot.

Methwch ddod? Gallwch ddal i fyny ar y prif bwyntiau yn yr edefyn Trydar hwn.

Cynhelir ein gweminar nesaf ddydd Iau 11 Mai a bydd yn edrych ar ddod â data Cyfrifiad 2021 yn fyw.

Archebwch eich lle

Shwmae, Alaw here! The second ONS webinar took place on Thursday, looking at collecting and processing data for a digital-first Census. We were joined by Rob Doherty and Pete Large, part of the team that coordinated the design of the Census 2021.

We had 18 attendees from 11 organisations including Welsh Government as well as attendees from Sport Wales, Natural Resources Wales, Qualifications Wales, Cardiff and Neath Port Talbot councils.

Couldn’t make it? You can catch up on the main points in this Twitter thread.

Our next webinar is on Thursday 11 May and will look at bringing Census 2021 data to life.

Book your place