Welcome Mike!

This week we welcomed Mike Erskine as our comms manager.

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How has his first week been?

“I couldn’t have wished for a better start to my first week at CDPS.

Edwina and I dived straightway into my role, the team and the skills and experience I can bring to the table.

On day two I got to meet my new comms team virtually. I was very nervous after coming from an organisation of seven years but they made me feel so welcome. During my first community of practice ‘communicating digital’ session, I decided to break the ice by asking people their favourite flavour of ice cream! I don’t think my choice of rum ‘n’ raisin was a popular choice 😂

There is a lot to learn, from ‘working in the open’ to ‘communicating in an agile way’, but I’m excited by the challenge and adventures ahead.

I got to ‘ring the bell’, a Friday afternoon tradition, where a team member chooses a song to play the rest of the organisation out for the end of the week. Any guesses for my song choice?

Me physically ringing the bell!

Video - 2022-07-29 3_48_28 PM.mp4

Supporting delivery teams

This week we published ‘User research - or building services that help people’ from the Sport Wales alpha+ team discussing how discovering people’s real needs is critical to building better services in Wales.

We published ‘Shared or common? Using the same software in Wales’ from the Digital Landscape Review (DLR) team who discuss findings of why local authorities use the same or shared software, the benefits and the risks.

This week saw the last show and tell from the Natural Resources Wales (NRW) alpha team. They covered their approach, key learnings and findings, a demo of the prototype and recommendations for NRW to take forward.

Catch up on the Twitter thread or watch the recording below:


Content design community for Wales kicks off

A strong turnout, of 15 or so people, for the first CDPS content design community of practice (CoP). This was probably one of the biggest gatherings of user-centred content folk in Wales ever – a great sign, I hope, of things to come.

This being a kick-off session, we started with the basics: