Website redevelopment - shortlist completed

We had some great responses to our website invitation to tender and have invited 3 companies to take part in the next stage of the process - a presentation on 11 October. How exciting!

Social media highlights

Government Transformation published an interview with our joint CEO, Harriet Green, which was shared by their managing editor on Twitter and LinkedIn this week.

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Ann met up with the Sport Wales team to chat about how they’ve got on since our work with them came to a close earlier this year. It is so lovely to hear that they’ve carried on with the Agile ways of working and that ‘digital isn’t IT’ 😊

You can read about the impact the grant improvement project had, over on our website.

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Content design community of practice - a warm welcome to Jo!

Jo Goodwin, our Head of User Centred Design hosted the content design community of practice this week. We discussed challenges around adopting user-centred content in many Welsh public sector organisations. We also shared the great work happening to share common Welsh words and guidelines and shared learning for trio writing. Osian, our content designer joins the team on 17 October and we can’t wait for him to start!

Comms report

September was a quieter month with the national period of mourning, but our monthly comms reporting has highlighted some useful data which will help us plan future comms work.

The interesting bits included:

A summary of our activity at the Digital Health and Communities Wales Digital Summit

Our newsletter open rate and click rate continue to be well above industry standards:

The positive impact of ‘International Happiness Week at Work’ showed the value in marking certain days on social media as the posts on both Twitter and LinkedIn received great engagement:

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CDPS brand refresh: why and how?