First lunch and learn success

This week we held our first user-centred design lunch and learn session on how to use research to make improvements to your service, led by Gabi Mitchem-Evans, our senior user researcher.

We had 27 attendees from organisations including Monmouthshire County Council, Welsh Government, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Wales Council for Voluntary Action, Cardiff Council, Audit Wales, Careers Wales and the Renal Medicines Service.

We also published a resource on our website which includes research methods and techniques that you can use to help design and improve a service.

If you missed the session, catch up on the recording or read our Twitter thread.

New CDPS website enters beta

This week, the website team met in person to do a retro of our alpha phase as we are about to begin beta, where a new website will be built and tested with more users.

We also continued our content audit and started thinking about what could be included on our homepage.

We’ll be holding another interactive show and tell in a few weeks to ask for further feedback on our beta site. This time, we’ll be running two Mentimeter’s simultaneously for internal and external users so we can analyse what our CDPS staff want vs our external audience.

If you’d like to come, email [email protected]


Retro time - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Another retro, another chance to learn, pivot and grow as a communications team. For this retro, we ran an activity based on the 1966 Western movie, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, starring the legendary Clint Eastwood with a football twist. Any excuse for our football mad comms manager, Mike, who was leading the session. The idea behind this activity is we focus on the good from the last sprint, get rid of the bad (sorry Cristiano!) and turn the ugly into beauty.

There was some great discussion with time and trying to squeeze too much activity into a sprint, a recurring challenge amongst the team. As a result, we are going to make some minor changes to our sprint schedule coming up which we hope will give us a bit more breathing space as team to get some of those priorities over the line. Watch this space.

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Social media highlights