Comms recruitment: more appointments

We appointed a visual designer last week and are interviewing content designers and translators this week. We’re so excited about having a larger permanent team in place and will announce the appointments over the next few weeks.

Website redesign: sustainability and accessibility

This week Charlotte went to the WLGA’s website redesign session, where people across the 22 local authorities in Wales discussed website challenges and shared good practice. The session gave lots of insight into website sustainability, accessibility, procurement and bilingual content.

Bilingual services: getting a fishing licence

This week, James Lewis, Manon Williams and Lyn Williams from Natural Resources Wales and Joe Simpson from Defra joined our Building Bilingual Services community of practice for a session about how their organisations cooperated to build a Welsh-English service for buying a rod fishing licence.

There were great discussions about testing with Welsh users and how the Welsh language can change interaction design with longer words and different yes/no questions.

Building bilingual services CoP - big impact on following

Gemma has been pulling together June’s comms report, with a focus on the three events we attended this month (SOCITM conference, GovCamp Cymru and Digital Leaders Wales. Our CEOs speaking at these events gave us nice spikes in social media engagement.

We also saw uplifts in followers (see below) from our live-tweeting at the Building Bilingual Services community of practice session.

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Blogs: Agile problem-solving

This week we published ‘Putting a design team together’ by the Sport Wales alpha+ team. The post describes how the team used Agile working to identify problems and then design, test and iterate potential solutions.

LinkedIn: Green machines

Our ‘Green machines - how workplace tech can save the planet’ blog has received some positive comments on LinkedIn. The blog covers simple things we can do now to save carbon emissions, from working out the carbon impact if your work website to not attaching images to emails - every little helps!

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