OASIS approach to launching trio writing e-book

The comms team met to discuss how to launch our trio writing e-book. We all met virtually with creative ideas to try and get as much exposure to the e-book as possible, we have an ambitious target of 500 downloads by Christmas. We used the OASIS framework to help guide our thoughts and we now have a co-ordinated plan we can work from.

As well as looking at external stakeholders to engage with we are going to take a two pronged approach and will be involving the wider CDPS team to get promoting! So watch this space!


This week we published a blog post from Taxi Bill Managers (Adrian Davies and Sean Moses, Welsh Government) about learning new ways of working.

What’s next for events?

Mike here! It was my first week back after a two week camping holiday in France with the family. Do I feel refreshed? When you have 3 kids I'm not sure you can ever feel 💯% recharged but come the end of it I was definitely itching to get back into the swing of work. I missed my comms family!

We've already had a full on year and full on summer with our events programme (Eisteddfod feels like a lifetime ago now) but what you find with events is that there is always something else around the corner for you to plan and prepare for. This week Elise and I met with our skills and capability team to map out our next lunch and learn series. Our research is telling us we need to go back to basics, so that’s what we’ve decided to do this Autumn. We will be covering the role digital has to play in delivering public services and helping dispel some of those common myths around agile. It will be our job next week to package this series up and create content that will help to promote this in as plain a language as possible for our audience. Watch this space…

Croeso Iola, the new translator and bilingual content creator

Delighted to welcome Iola to the CDPS team. She will work closely with Catrin on our day to day translation work and also support teams across CDPS to create bilingual content in a process called Trio writing.

Iola is also a trained simultaneous translator and will be support all our events to make sure attendees can contribute in their preferred language.

Website governance

Osian yma!

I have been working on the governance piece for our website, and this week used a prototype to do some guerilla research to see if it answers the questions staff may have. 4 members of staff took time to help me with this. The sessions turned into a hybrid of usability testing and fact-finding.

It’s clear that staff need to know

The governance piece is at the intersection of 3 things within CDPS - communication, content design and the website itself as a product.

I’ll be taking a closer look at the findings of the research to prioritise what I’ll do next. Here are some main thoughts: