Blog posts

This week we published two blog posts:

Giving users more consistent services during the cost of living crisis - After the workshop that aimed to make content about services and benefits more consistent and easier to navigate, our Head of User Centred Design, Jo Goodwin, talks about what comes next

How working at the Centre for Digital Public Services has opened my eyes - Finding and starting a new job doesn’t need to be a difficult experience if you are offered the right support says Poppy Evans, our Associate Delivery Manager

Content design community of practice

The community came together on Tuesday to discuss what the community will talk about in 2023 and our future plan. If you’d like to join us in future, email [email protected]

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

This week, we’ve been working with our CRM providers, HubSpot, on GDPR and metrics. We want to make sure the system we put in place captures the things we report on regularly. At the moment, when we want to find out if people have attended a webinar or have signed up to our mailing lists, it’s a very manual process. From speaking with the HubSpot team on our requirements, they ran through the types of reports we’ll be able to work from which will make life so much easier!

We also had to cover GDPR - as we’ll be using a new communication management system, we need to let people know their data will move from one platform to another (to be GDPR compliant).

SharePoint workshop

This week, Chelsea and Elise held the first SharePoint workshop with the comms and skills team.

The teams gave some great feedback for the work so far including suggestions about incorporating bilingualism, accessibility and sharing SharePoint best practice which will be put into action as the new SharePoint sites are built. Next week, Chelsea and Elise will be meeting with the delivery and operations teams to hear their input.

Comms report

This week we published our latest comms and engagement report. This month’s report focused on the effect the online events we attend and run have on our engagement on social media and the website. Is this something you do?

We found that our Attract, Recruit, Retain work is having a positive impact on both website views and social media engagement. As this is a series of work, it will be interesting to see if people have a particular interest in one topic ie: attracting DDaT talent, compared with recruiting DDaT talent. We will have to consider the impact that December will have on engagement though.

Website redevelopment - alpha begins

This week the website team moved to the alpha stage. This is when we start trying out solutions to the problems we learnt about in discovery.

We held a planning session to agree what will get completed over alpha including looking at technology options and investigating how we connect different systems to the new website.

We also had a demonstration of Drupal – a potential CMS (Content Management System). The demo showed how we could update and change web pages and manage translation.

Find out more about our work on the CDPS website on our Notion site.