Jobs, jobs, jobs!

CDPS’s big recruitment campaign is proving popular if our web traffic is anything to go by: it’s up by almost 80% in the past month, as the many jobs we’re advertising have gone live.

We have permanent vacancies in senior leadership (Head of Technology and Head of UCD), as well as in delivery management, comms, user research and content design at different levels.

What do Welsh users want from apps?

This week Gruffydd Owain Weston, a HMRC Welsh language user research specialist, spoke at a meeting of our Building Bilingual Services community of practice on ‘Welsh language in apps - what do users look for and expect?’

The 31-strong audience included people from NHS Wales, Natural Resources Wales, Kainos, Digital Communities Wales, Careers Wales and DVLA.

Community of practice members can watch the recording on the communities team channel.

Sign up to our communities of practice.

Getting our digital training right

We published a blog post this week asking, ‘What does good digital training look like?’ The Skills and Capability team are treating CDPS’s training as a service and assessing it using the Digital Service Standards for Wales, among other yardsticks.

Calling digital experts in Wales

The comms team does the work in the background, scheduling, recording and time stamping for our delivery teams’ show and tells. Highlights from the Tech Net Zero team’s show and tell this week included:

Watch the recording below, or follow the main points in our Twitter thread

As part of their discovery, the team are still keen to speak to people working in digital services in Wales and beyond. If you’re interested in taking part in the research, please fill in a questionnaire in Welsh or English.

Tech Net Zero in the open