What we…


International Women’s Day - showcasing our brilliant female colleagues.

Building bilingual services - such an informative and inspiring session.


Time - the weeks are flying by. It would be nice to have more time to think and experiment.


You can prep for all eventualities when it comes to live events and a powercut can still throw things off course! You’ve just got to make the best of a bad situation.

Longed for

Face-to-face meetings and a change of scenery.

Hello! Gemma here, it’s been a busy week with International Women’s Day being a chunky piece of work that saw input from the entire team. Take a look below to see how we marked the day:

Gender pay gap report

As part of International Women’s Day we launched our pay gap report. This isn’t something we have to do, it’s something we chose to do to live by our values of working in the open and challenging norms. Our CEO, Harriet Green, recorded a great video letting the world know why we published it. If you haven’t seen it, take a look:


It was picked up by Digital Leaders who featured our blog post on their website:

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International Women’s Day

As mentioned, we marked International Women’s Day by launching our pay gap report. We also wanted to shout about the amazing women that work for CDPS. I asked for contributions from staff on how they felt working for CDPS.

I was lucky to have so many wonderful perspectives (including my own) on what it is like to work for a forward-thinking organisation.

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Website - beta testing begins

This week we completed our first round of beta testing with 5 users and collected their feedback for analysis, which will be reviewed in our in-person sprint planning meeting next week. We are also working through our image audit to make sure our new visuals on the website reflect our content and are accessible and are preparing for an in-person team meeting to plan our second beta sprint where we will build the remaining pages of the website which include courses and events, about us and jobs.

Adeiladu gwasanaethau dwyieithog / Building bilingual services

Helo, Alaw sydd yma! Dwi mor gyffrous i sôn am ein sesiwn Adeiladu Gwasanaethau Dwyieithog ni ddoe, roedd hi’n awr hollol euraidd!

Ymunodd Laura Truelove â ni, sef Uwch Reolwr Cyfryngau Digidol Llywodraeth Cymru, i sôn am y ffyrdd orau o redeg cyfryngau cymdeithasol dwyieithog.

Roedd cyflwyniad Laura yn un addysgiadol tu hwnt. Roedd hi’n agoriad llygaid i fod yn gwbl onest. Nodais tri phrif bwynt i lawr, gweithredoedd i mi, ynghŷd â gweddill y tîm cyfathrebu, eu hymarfer:

  1. Pwysigrwydd normaleiddio’r Gymraeg. Boed trwy ddefnyddio hashnodau Cymraeg, rhannu tweets Cymraeg ar gyfrifon Saesneg, neu siarad yr iaith o ddydd i ddydd o fewn y gweithle, mae’n rhoi’r rhyddid i ni fod yn greadigol, rhoi hygrededd i’r iaith, a’i defnyddio mewn modd naturiol.