Attract, Recruit, Retain

Digital skills are in high demand and it is acknowledged that the public sector is facing a recruitment crisis. It’s also a complex attraction and retention crisis.

After discussing the issue with the Welsh chief digital officers, the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) interviewed a wide range of stakeholders across the public sector in August 2022. We grouped the issues they raised into themes that we could practically tackle.

Working with Pete, Head of Skills and Capability, and Lauren our talent partner, we are organising a series of webinars to support the Welsh public sector to attract, recruit and retain amazing digital, data and technology (DDaT) people into the sector.

The first webinar is on 24 November. If you’re involved in writing role descriptions, recruiting or communicating DDaT vacancies, then we’d love for you to come along

Attracting Digital Data and Technology talent

Team work makes the dream work - CDPS presence at Procurex

The great thing about working on events is that you see an end product, a tangible result for your comms efforts and this was very much the case when we supported our colleague Warren Smith with his speaking opportunity at Procurex Wales. Warren is a procurement expert, so the last thing we are going to do as a comms team is meddle with the content of his presentation. However, it’s still important we are involved in the production process so we can check Warren’s content is succinct, on message, and our brand guidelines are adhered to.

As comms experts, we can also bring that added value to any piece of content being worked on by the wider CDPS team. We have our magic visual designer, Josh, who has the ability to turn a very bland presentation into something that will jump and flash off the page. We have our terrific translator, Alaw, to make sure our presentations are fully bilingual and help us become an exemplar for best practice. Finally we have our social media guru, Gemma, to make sure the end result (Warren’s star performance at Procurex) is communicated and shared with our stakeholders. All in all, a great piece of work for comms to be part of and proof that team work, really does make the dream work!

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Social media highlights

This week CDPS has been tagged in both recruitment and good news posts. This is good because it shows people trust us to share their content. Things are pretty turbulent on Twitter at the moment and it’s a case of watching and waiting (and weathering the storm). If you have any digital news or vacancies you’d like us to retweet, please tag us and we’d be happy to share the love!

Website redevelopment update

This week the comms team took part in a user persona workshop so the team at Hoffi developing our new website could understand what internal users needed. It was a really interesting session which allowed us to put ourselves in the shoes of both internal and external users of our website.

You can keep up to date with their progress on their project site.

Cost of living content workshop

There has been a lot of work going into the cost of living workshop - which is on Thursday 17 November. We’ve been helping Jo Goodwin (Head of User Centred Design) and colleagues in Welsh Local Government Association to refine the plan for the day.