
We published a blog post welcoming Rhiannon to CDPS. Rhiannon will lead on our digital service standards and is already having an impact in the team #dinowednesday 🦖

There are a number of posts in the pipeline. Keep an eye out for: a case study about Powys Council’s customer account, the Welsh Revenue Authority’s use of a digital maturity matrix, and a post about training for health.

Blog post impact

We aim to post a mixture of the work of the delivery teams, their research and findings, but also about their processes and how they do things. Agile is new to so many organisations and we will talk about it regularly through the eyes of different teams.

Great that people are finding these useful.


Harriet and Myra have been in post a month this week. It’s early days but we were keen to get coverage about their plans for collaboration. Our mantra at the CDPS is that we do with, not to, and our coverage this week focussed on the important role of partnerships.

There has also been a lot of interest about their role - how does a CEO job share work?

This was reflected in the coverage we got this week.

Institute of Welsh Affairs - ‘people’ section

A partnership with a shared vision for digital public services in Wales - Institute of Welsh Affairs

Golwg360 - great to get coverage outside the traditional ‘echo chamber’. We’re keen to talk about our culture and how we do things which are relevant to lots of organisations.

'Rhannu swyddi yn ffordd o ganiatáu i well amrywiaeth o bobol weithio mewn swyddi uchel'

Public Sector Executive

Business News Wales