Headline stats
- Regularly review the Events planner to forward look at events to pre-plan social media activity
- Consider analysis of private companies who book onto our online events - are they Wales based? Why are they attending? It would be worth asking at registrants their motivations for attending.
- Forward planning of show and tells - if teams plan on having a show and tell, confirm the date before the end of the month so that it can be included in the monthly newsletter
- Timestamp uploads to Youtube as a standard practice will give us better data to understand where viewers are skipping to.
- Based on the Autumn lunch and learn series reporting - consider looking into Youtube SEO to see if it improves the discoverability of videos
- Service Manual - not sure of the plan but there was a CTA to get involved in user research within the show and ask. It would be worth Comms leads identifying opportunities to promote recordings following show and tells and writing a tweet / LinkedIn post.
- LinkedIn article writing guidance for staff
- Videos shorter than a minute should be posted directly to platforms rather than sending viewers off to Youtube to view the video.